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Tenzi Game Review: A favorite homeschool math game

Today Hanna and I decided to review one of our favorite homeschool math games, Tenzi. Tenzi is a fast paced dice game. The goal of the game (if you play the basic version) is to get all ten of your dice on the same number as fast as you can, before your opponent. Basic Tenzi … Continue reading

Playing With Language: Language Arts Games for Middle School

I’ll admit it right up front, language arts is my favorite part of homeschool. It’s the part I feel most comfortable and confident about, so it ends up being the one where we have the most freedom and fun. When Hanna was younger we played Mad Libs all the time in the car. What an … Continue reading

Quiddler: A Language Arts Game Review

quiddler game review

If you’re in my Facebook group, you’ve probably heard me talk about, and seen the pictures of Quiddler. Quiddler is one of our favorite, and go to games. It’s a language arts game, and even I am surprised by how much we learn and reinforce each time we play. If you’re looking for a super … Continue reading

Discount! A Real Life Math Game Review

It was a seriously real life math game weekend over here! We had 3 of them show up in the mail, and we played them all this weekend!! There was Grocery Cart on Friday. Budget on Saturday and Sunday we sat down and played Discount! There is a LOT of math practice with Discount. It’s … Continue reading

Budget: A Real World Math Game Review

Yesterday I reviewed Grocery Cart, another real life math game. Last night, after a long day working at the barn, Hanna and I sat down with dinner and Budget. I’ll be honest, I don’t love this game as much as Grocery Cart, but it’s a good game, and there’s TONS of learning going on. Here’s … Continue reading

Grocery Cart: A Real Life Math Game Review

real life math games

I picked up PayDay not long ago, thinking it would be a great way to learn some life skills and do a little math. Wow, was I wrong. I ended up hating PayDay, with gameplay like “pay your friend $100 because it’s their birthday,” even if you had to take out a bank loan. Not … Continue reading

CompoundIt! Review

compound it game review

*We received a free copy of CompoundIt!, in exchange for an honest review. Opinions, as always, are all mine. 🙂 * I don’t know if you remember, but I used to hate games. Then I decided I didn’t want to hate games anymore, and started buying new, better games, and playing them a lot more. … Continue reading

We’re Taking a Break From Math

There I said it. We’re taking a break from math for a while. She hates it. She cries. She doesn’t retain anything because of the state of mind she’s in when she’s “learning” it. So let’s just take a break and regroup. She was pretty excited when I told her we were going to “take … Continue reading