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Our Homeschool Philosophy

Everywhere we go… we learn. Everyone we meet… is a teacher. Every book we read… is a textbook. Every conversation we have… gives us insight. Every TV show we watch… yep… even TV. 🙂 

Our education doesn’t start at 8am or end at 3:40pm. It doesn’t stop because it’s summer, or when we turn 18. 

Learning happens all the time. Forever.

Learning is fun.

Learning is exciting.

Learning is inspiring.

Learning is action. 

We love learning. <3

This is the foundation of our homeschool ~ Lee Academy in rural Kansas.

You Really Can Homeschool provides a glimpse into our homeschool, the projects we’re doing, the books we’re reading, the resources we’re using, the conversations we’re having, and of course the shows we’re watching. It’s all learning to us.

By sharing our homeschool adventure it’s our intention to help other new homeschoolers relax into learning, get ideas, find springboards, feel encouraged, start conversations… and of course find great shows to watch. <3

You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram. 🙂

Happy Homeschooling. 🙂



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