*We received a free copy of CompoundIt!, in exchange for an honest review. Opinions, as always, are all mine. 🙂 *
I don’t know if you remember, but I used to hate games. Then I decided I didn’t want to hate games anymore, and started buying new, better games, and playing them a lot more. You might even call us gameschoolers now. *gasp*
I was pretty excited when I had the opportunity to test out a new (Live now on Kickstarter!!) chemistry game called CompoundIt!
We’ve been dabbling in chemistry this year. My kiddo finds it really intriguing, and we’ve kept it fun and interesting, so it’s really working. CompoundIt was a perfect addition to our chemistry learning.
When you take it out, it looks a LOT like Scrabble. In fact, that’s the first thing Hanna said… “Oh! It looks like Scrabble!”. It also plays a lot like Scrabble, with the big twist, that you’re not making words you’re creating compounds!
Now, remember we are at the beginning of our Chemistry journey. There are multiple “levels” of play available… we stuck to the very easiest one. Which is awesome, because we were able to play a full, fun game, and also know the more we learn the deeper we can dive into this game. I love that it will be a game that lasts through the years.
We had a ton of fun playing the game, and I love that it brought about questions. Questions are kind of what run our homeschool.
What are Diatomic Elements?
What are binary compounds?
What does Mn stand for? (We kept a copy of our Periodic Table out so we could identify all the elements we were playing with.)
What is the Lewis Structure?
Why does this compound end in ide, instead of ade?
See what I mean… questions galore. That’s what makes this sooo much more than a fun game for me. It’s an actual jumping off point for deeper learning. I have found, in our journey, when questions stem from real curiosity, from trying to make something work, and especially to win a game, the learning sticks and is so much more fun!
Guess what… there’s also math when you play the game. 😉
The net oxidation number of all the tiles in your compound must be zero. So, yeah, you have to figure that out.
Hanna said… “Wow! There’s math in this game. It’s like mixing something I love and something I hate… and coming out with something I don’t mind doing.”. 🙂
Ah… the math hater. <3
All in all, we really enjoyed this game. We also look forward to learning more about chemistry so we can play even deeper versions of this game. If you’d like to learn more and even back this game… go to Kickstarter it’s live now!!
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