This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me, Jackie Lee. For questions about this blog, please contact me personally via email at momtohanna at gmail dot com
Everyone likes to get stuff for free, me included. On occasion, I will consider a product for review. If you want me to review your product email me for a detailed review policy and we can work out the details. I also write about products I have purchased, so for those reading this site, I will always tell you if the product was given to me or purchased on my own.
Free products do not influence my opinion. My goal for this site is to help you become the best homeschooling mom you can possibly. So anything I find/buy/receive that will help us accomplish those goals I’m going to share with you.
There are numerous links on my site to various stores and products. Assume these are affiliate links. That means if you click on them and purchase something I get a small percentage of the sale. I am not asking you to click on them, but if you are going to buy the product why not help out a homeschooling mom?
I am not a doctor, dentist, lawyer, accountant, nutritionist, microbiologist, home inspector, financial adviser, or race car driver. The views expressed on this site are my opinions. I have a degree in psychology ~ but that doesn’t make me a shrink… it does make me good at having opinions… and I’m just outspoken enough to share them!
The content on this site is never influenced by money, advertising dollars, or products I receive for free. I write for my readers and no one else.
For advertising rates and statistics please contact the blog owner, Jackie Lee at momtohanna[at]gmail[dot]com.